How to Build a Sustainable Yoga Career?

How to Build a Sustainable Yoga Career?

Do you want a sustainable, long term yoga career?

I’m sure you dream of a yoga career that can sustain you in the long run and empower you to live your vision. And this is entirely possible with authentic marketing. Just focus on finding clarity and identifying your true passion. Find out what you are good at and what is more fulfilling for you and act on it.
The idea is to combine what your yoga community needs with your personal growth as a yoga teacher. This would be the best starting point for you to expand your business, explore and diversify your income sources. You probably don’t want to keep running from yoga studio to yoga studio and burn out from teaching so many classes.

Value Ladder

In marketing terms, we call this a value ladder, and it describes what else you can offer to your students, in addition to your standard yoga classes. It’s about developing an offer mindset and exploring what type of experience you want to offer to them. You can read a post dedicated to the offer mindset of a yoga teacher. It’s not only about you making more money, but it’s also about thinking about what else your students need.

In time, you can become an expert in your field of yoga, and you can start developing programs that offer people variety, depth, and the opportunity to explore further aspects of the yoga world. There are lots of things you can provide to your students beyond classes at a studio, so that you can grow your business, increase your experiences and your sales, and afford the quality of life you deserve.

Some options for you to consider

Sooner or later, you will have to think about expanding beyond the classes you are teaching in several studios. Let’s discuss some of the options that are available to you as your yoga career progresses.

Private yoga lessons

It might be that some of your students would like to have your undivided attention and are willing to pay higher rates for one-to-one yoga lessons. This is an excellent opportunity for you to grow your business, but you need to make sure you have reached an appropriate level of experience. You can also create packages of private classes for students that seek that value-added offering.

Open your own yoga studio

You can consider opening your own yoga studio so that you can fully live your style. You can start with something small where you can hold your weekly classes and private sessions or events; no need for a big yoga studio. The first thing you would need to do is to define what you want to offer and what size the studio needs to be. You could also consider sharing a space with someone or a collaborative studio where you pay rent by the hour to teach your classes. This might not be ideal, but you will be in the right direction towards being in control of your offerings, your schedule, and your prices.

Host one-day workshops and later retreats

Another great way to grow as a yoga teacher and serve bigger is to offer workshops. They can last anything from three to six hours or perhaps a full weekend or long series. They provide an excellent opportunity to explore a yoga topic deeper, such as handstands or meditation, and they also give you flexibility in terms of pricing, depending on the students who are attending.

Make sure to choose a particular topic that is close to your heart, but it is also of interest to your students. Look for your niche, but at the same time, share your thoughts with your students and explore their needs. The same goes for your retreat. When you feel you are ready, start talking to people about it, get feedback and ideas, and start planning and creating a hype about your offerings well in advance.

Another excellent idea is to organize events like yoga and brunch or yoga and dinner. Such occasions give you the opportunity to collaborate with a café or restaurant in your area, and they present an excellent opportunity to build a vibrant community.

Teaching online courses

Today, online classes are everywhere, and people love learning online. Classes are easy to access and convenient for people who don’t want to leave their homes. If you are committed to this, you can make it work and diversify your yoga career in a very cost-effective way. Virtual classes can improve your income and they can also strengthen your online presence and expand your reach.

Maybe you are a writer so why not write a book

If you like writing and you feel this is right for you, you could even consider writing a book about yoga. You can focus on an aspect that truly speaks to you and which you know a lot about.

Consider teacher training

Later on in your career, after you gained significant experience, you could even consider teacher training. It can be challenging, but it will be rewarding. As always, you would need to focus on your unique offerings and how to best serve your community. You can structure your training and even produce course material for prospective students. This could be very exciting, albeit challenging.

Creating abundance

As you consider ways to create abundance in your life, make sure always to combine what is useful and valuable to your students and what is in alignment with your dreams and your core beliefs. Clarity, an offer mindset, and your ideal buyer personas can guide you to make the right choices in your path to a fulfilling and rewarding yoga career.

If you’re interested, read my post on buyer personas and how they can help you on your journey.

I would love to know what you think about your career growth, so please send me a reply below and connect. Feel free to send me your questions, I look forward to hearing from you.

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