How to keep your audience interested

Finding Clarity and defining your yoga career, Part 1

How to keep your audience interested

If you have found clarity and you feel it’s time to treat your yoga teaching as a career and a business, you probably have already created your beautiful website. You made sure it reflects your vision and serves your mission to expand your reach and serve in a greater way. If you want to work some more on finding clarity, you can find a useful workbook here. Creating your website is the fun part. But once this is done, what happens next? What is the day-to-day maintenance that is required to keep your relationship with your students and your followers going? An important aspect of managing your website so it continuously serves its purpose is to keep your audience interested. There are some things you could do to make sure you maintain engagement.

A few ideas to keep your audience interested

1. Define your audience

Create what is known in marketing as Buyer Personas, meaning realistic descriptions of the students with which you resonate the most. Describe them as best as you can, and give them a name, if you want. You can have two or three people, and always think of them when you create content. Think about topics they are interested in and ‘talk’ to them about it. Read How to create Buyers’ Personas and increase your following to learn more.

2. Use all available data to know your audience

In this day in age, you have all sorts of digital tools at your disposal. All the big platforms let you track the data that is relevant to your visitors and make the most of them. Google Analytics can help you learn who visited your website, how they landed there, what page or blog post was of interest to them, and how long they stayed. You can gain valuable information about your audience that way. Similarly, if you are using Facebook or Instagram, you can use their Insights and get a better idea about the people interested in your content. Learn more in these two useful articles discussing Google Analytics and Facebook Pixels for Yogis.

3. Create all content around what you have in common with your audience

Once you have an appreciation of your audience and a clear idea about your favorite student, you need to create all your content around your shared values and interests. The best way forward is to write everything down. Note your personal beliefs and interests and then those of your audience. Focus on the attributes you have in common and create content that talks to both you and them. You don’t need me saying to you that you need to be authentic and useful at the same time. So, speak from your heart, but always offer value.

4. Include your audience in the process

It is important to remember that the whole process is about connecting. Forming bridges of communication and establishing rapport. And this goes both ways. Ask them questions and encourage them to answer you. Listen carefully to the answers and be responsive. In marketing, this is known as Call To Action (CTA), where you basically engage your audience and include them in the exchange of ideas. Under every post, yoga class, or email, give them the opportunity to express their feelings about the experience.

Including your audience in the process is an active part of serving and nurturing your community and it’s a beautiful link between yoga and marketing. Both are about building and supporting your yoga tribe.

5. Engage with your audience

Since you know who they are and what they care about, it feels nice to give back, as well. It is always well-perceived and appreciated when you reciprocate and visit their profiles and interact with them. Leave comments, reply to their questions, engage in dialogue. Great ideas for your content might come of this, as well. Plus, other people might like your comments, follow you back, and become a member of your community.

Wrapping up

Now you know a few ways that can help you keep your audience interested in an authentic and exciting way. The underlying principle under all this is that you have clarity, and you act from a place of inspiration. You can download a workbook that can empower you to do just that. It’s time to live your dharma!

Send me a reply if you would like to discuss ideas about how to keep your audience interested. I’d love to connect with you!

Love, Patricia