The Offer Mindset of a Yoga Teacher

The Offer Mindset of a Yoga Teacher

As a yoga teacher, you can benefit from an offer mindset. A holistic approach that focuses on your students’ needs and what you have to offer to them.

An offer mindset will increase the inherent value of your practice and as a by-product it will also increase its monetary value.

Your journey so far

As part of your Yoga Marketing journey, you defined your Mission and your Vision and identified your why. You learned how to translate all that defines you into your brand, and you learned all the aspects of solidifying and communicating your unique brand identity. We discussed ways to overcome your fears and how to let yourself grow and manifest your dreams.

Developing an offer mindset

Before you reach the end of this path, it is essential to consider what type of experience you want to offer to your students.

  • What additional value can you add to your teaching?
  • How can you make your practice unique and transformational?
  • What do your students need to improve the quality of their life?

Look inside for your offer mindset

This an inner journey, an exploration of what you have to offer on a deeper level. However, the buyer’s persona you created can also help you clarify your path and answers the questions:

  • With your unique style of teaching, how do you reach your ideal students and have an impact on their life?
  • On what kind of journey or transformation can you support them?

The special bond between the Yoga teacher and the student

A yoga lesson involves so much more than postures and physical exercise. It is also a mental journey through the practice of meditation and reflection. People arrive with their baggage on the yoga mat, and hopefully, they leave it feeling better and more relaxed.

The bond between the right Yoga teacher and a student is valuable and precious and can improve the quality of life for both. As a professional yoga teacher who decides to follow this career, you need to think about what else you can offer to people besides the aspect of guiding their bodies through a yoga class. This will be incredibly rewarding for you and transformational for your students. You can start by turning your attention inwards and asking why you started with yoga in the first place.

Here are some examples to consider

  • If you started with yoga because you moved into a new town and it was an excellent opportunity to find a new community of friends, maybe you could expand your services with hosting little yoga events, like yoga and brunch, so that people can make new friends after the yoga class.
  • In case you found your way on the mat because of an eating disorder, you could gear your classes towards students that have been in the same situation and offer them meaningful help. Your Yoga teaching could help them make peace with their body and give them another outlet for the feelings that led them to the disorder.
  • Perhaps your Yoga is about the connection with your inner self on the mat. You may want to offer your students a way to let go of the little things that trigger them in their everyday life and help them see the big picture. Offer them the peace and calm that can improve their entire lifestyle.

As a yoga teacher, you need to be aware of what your complete product is, and how you can package it so that it becomes your unique offer.

It’s much more than the physical yoga asana practice. It’s about who you are, your why, your mission. In marketing terms, it’s about finding your value-added Unique Selling Point. This additional inherent value which will also merit an increased monetary value as a by-product. I fully understand that as a yoga professional you want to develop your career without losing your soul.

Creating a value ladder

Your marketing journey led you to your mission and your why. It urged you to identify what makes you different, what makes you unique. And now, it’s time to package your offering, to add value to it so that your students can appreciate it holistically and be willing to pay for all the aspects rather than just the physical.

When you create a value ladder, you increase the value of your product and your offer, by adding more high-value elements to it. You package your teaching in a way that people are willing to spend more money on it because the overall value is higher.

For example, offering people a mindful experience, an opportunity to explore their mind and body, and turn their intention inwards holds a much higher value compared to the physical yoga asana practice. The next step up the ladder could be a mindfulness retreat or an online mindfulness class.

Value-added yoga offerings

All your products, such as classes, workshops, online classes, retreats, books, podcasts can be packaged under the unique perspective of your offer. They can become parts of your brand and help you in your career and your personal and professional growth.

Last words

As we dig deeper and deeper on this marketing journey, I’m sure you appreciate that a big part of the process is about looking inwards for answers. The marketing tools are here and are available to all, but only through personalization and authenticity do they actually mean something. Only when we own them, can those tools really serve us.

And the same goes for the package you offer as a yoga teacher. Only when you make it unique and special, can it truly serve your students. And only then are they able to identify with your practice, choose your offering, and pay for the full value.

Find clarity, define your mission and vision, define your product, and package it as your unique value-added offer. Pack inside everything you can offer students to help them achieve the transformation they desire.

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